TKM Projekt Sp. z o. o. as the project leader, together with the Wrocław University of Science and Technology, we received funding from the European Regional Development Fund under competition No. 5/1.1.1/2020 “Fast track” of the Smart Growth Operational Program 2014-2020 for the implementation of the project titled: “Mobile and adaptive lock with automatic disinfection system increasing the safety of patient isolation.
The project involves the development of a new product, which is a mobile and adaptive lock, equipped with an automatic disinfection system, used to reduce the epidemic risk and ensure the safety of patients and staff. The airlock will be characterized by innovation in terms of the ability to quickly unfold and fold to a size enabling transport by elevator and corridor, easy adaptation to various dimensions of the entrance to the isolation area (due to variable geometric dimensions) and an automatic self-disinfection and user support system.
Project number: POIR.01.01.01-00-2513/20
Project budget: 3 661 185,57 PLN
Funding granted for TKM Projekt: 1 399 716,79 PLN
Duration: 01.09.2021- 30.11.2023